prijava 1000ka za vsakogar Mežica, 11.-19.7.2020 LOGIN 1000km for everyone Mežica, 11.-19.7.2020 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Ime/Name *FirstLastSpol *Ženski/FemaleMoški/MaleUlica prebivališča/Street address *Hišna številka/Home address *Poštna št. prebivališča/Post region *Občina/Region *Država/Country *Letnica rojstva *Mednarodna številka/International number *+368 (Slovenija)+43 (Austria)+49 (German)+33 (France)+39 (Italy)+385 (Hrvatska)Telefonska številka./Phone number *Email *Prevoziti želim / I want to ride *1000 km (cela trasa / full ride)500 km (polovica trase / half ride)Kolo/Bike *Cestno / RoadMTB / MTBTreking / TrekingElektrično / E bikePrenočišče in prehrana pred in po etapah / Accommodation and meals before and after the stages *Poskrbim sam – plačam sam / I’ll take care of it myself – pay myselfPoskrbi organizator – plačam organizatorju / Take care of the organizer – pay to organizerKakšen obrok želite?/What kind of meal you want? *Vegetarijanski/VegetarianMesni/Meat mealKonfekcijska številka / Confection number *XSSMLXLXXlPotrebujete prevoz prtljage med etapami?/Do you need to carry laggage between stages? *Da/YesNe/NoPotrebujete parkirišče v Mežici?/Do you need a parking in Mežica? *Da/YesNe/NoBikepacking izkušnje/Bikepacking experience *Vaš Facebook in Instagram link; spletna stran/Your Facebook and Instagram link; your websiteV času tega dogodka bom spoštoval cestne in ostale predpise Republike Slovenije / During this event, I will respect the road and other regulations of the Republic of Slovenia *Potrjujem/ I confirmPotrjujem, da sem seznanjen s pravili tekmovanja in da soglašam, da moje podatke v prijavnici uporabimo za proces prijave / I confirm that I am aware of the rules of the competition and that I agree to use my information in the entry form for the application process. (copy) *Potrjujem/ I confirmWebsitePotrdi/Submit